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14 Jul 2024 | 01:48 PM UTC

Kyrgyzstan: Ongoing evacuations in Osh region following heavy rains and landslides, July 14

Emergency services currently evacuating residents in Osh, Kyrgyzstan, July 14 following flooding, landslides; state of emergency declared.


Emergency service crews are responding to flooding and landslides in the region of Osh on July 14. Heavy rain caused the Ak-Buura river to overflow; sources reported flooding in the center of Osh and nearby towns of Toleikon, Borubai-Ata, and Ozgur. Ground travel has been halted along the Osh-Gulcho-Erkeshtam road, and power cuts have affected the region. At least 420 residents have been evacuated. Authorities have declared a state of emergency.

Further sustained heavy rainfall could trigger additional flooding in low-lying communities near rivers, streams, and creeks. Urban flooding is also possible in developed areas with easily overwhelmed or a lack of stormwater drainage systems. Sites downstream from large reservoirs or rivers may be subject to flash flooding after relatively short periods of intense rainfall. Landslides are possible in hilly or mountainous areas, especially where heavy rainfall has saturated the soil. Power outages could occur throughout the affected area.

Additional heavy rainfall will likely contribute to transport disruptions throughout the region. Traffic and commercial trucking delays might occur along regional highways. Flooding downpours could inundate some low-lying roads in areas with poor drainage. Strong winds might also pose a hazard to high-profile vehicles. Hazardous weather conditions might cause flight delays and cancellations at airports in the region.

Disruptions triggered by inclement weather and resultant hazards, such as flooding and mudflows, could persist well after conditions have improved; it could take days before any floodwaters recede and/or debris is cleared. If there is severe damage to infrastructure, repair or reconstruction efforts may result in residual disruptions.

Monitor local media for weather updates and related advisories. Confirm all transport reservations and business appointments prior to travel. Make allowances for localized travel delays, as well as potential supply chain disruptions, where flooding has been forecast. Do not drive on flooded roads.