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02 Jul 2024 | 09:32 AM UTC

Taiwan: Pro-democracy activists plan to rally outside Legislative Yuan 18:30 July 3

Activists will rally outside the Legislative Yuan in Taipei, Taiwan, 18:30 July 3. Tight security, transport disruptions likely.


The Taiwan Citizen Front has announced a protest on Jinan Road outside the Legislative Yuan in Taipei, from 18:30 July 3. The purpose of the action is to denounce the Kuomintang's (KMT) proposal to increase the recall threshold. Hundreds to thousands of people could participate in the gathering. A counter-protest supporting the proposed amendment is possible; any such gathering will likely have a few hundred supporters.

Heightened security and localized transport disruptions are likely around the Legislative Yuan. Police will likely deploy to monitor the demonstrations and may erect security barricades. Minor scuffles are possible between opposing activists or if authorities attempt to forcibly disperse the gathering. Increased vehicular congestion and possible road closures may affect the vicinity of the rally site, especially if participants march along nearby roads.

Exercise caution around the protest site. In the event of violence, leave the area immediately for a secure, nongovernment building. Allow additional time for travel to nearby destinations; use alternative routes to circumvent the rally site. Heed all local security and traffic advisories.