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01 Aug 2024 | 05:38 AM UTC

Brunei: Adverse weather forecast nationwide through at least Aug. 6

Severe weather forecast across Brunei through at least Aug. 6. Disruptions possible.


Heavy rainfall, thunderstorms, and strong winds are expected across much of Brunei through at least Aug. 6. The Brunei Darussalam Meteorological Department has issued a weather advisory through Aug. 6. Occasional heavy rainfall and thunderstorms are likely, especially in the afternoon and at night, with strong winds of up to 45 kph (28 mph). Flash floods, landslides, and fallen trees are possible. Authorities will likely issue new alerts or update/rescind existing advisories as weather conditions change over the coming days.

The storms could produce rounds of heavy precipitation, strong winds, and isolated thunderstorm activity across Brunei in the coming days. Sustained heavy rainfall could trigger flash and areal flooding in some areas. Such flooding is possible in low-lying communities near watercourses and other large bodies of water, as well as in urban areas with easily overwhelmed stormwater drainage systems. Sites located downstream of large reservoirs may be subject to flash flooding after relatively short periods of intense rainfall. Rain-induced landslides cannot be discounted in areas of elevated terrain. Power outages could occur throughout the affected areas.

The severe weather will likely contribute to transport disruptions throughout the region. Traffic and commercial trucking delays might occur along regional highways. Flooding downpours could inundate some low-lying roads in areas with poor drainage. Strong winds might also pose a hazard to high-profile vehicles.

The disruptive weather will likely cause some delays and cancellations at airports in the region, including Brunei International Airport (BWN). Authorities may temporarily suspend port operations along the South China Sea coast if strong winds trigger hazardous sea conditions, impacting freight and passenger maritime traffic. Flooding could block regional rail lines; freight and passenger train delays and cancellations are possible in areas that see heavy rainfall and potential track blockages.

Disruptions triggered by inclement weather and resultant hazards, such as flooding or storm damage, could persist well after conditions have improved - it could take days before any floodwaters recede and/or officials clear debris. If there is severe damage to infrastructure, repair or reconstruction efforts may result in residual disruptions.

Monitor local media for weather-related updates and advisories. Confirm all transport reservations. Stay away from elevated streams, creeks, and other watercourses that are prone to flash flooding. Do not attempt to navigate flooded roadways. Exercise caution in elevated terrain due to the threat of landslides. Charge battery-powered devices in the case of prolonged electricity outages.