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09 Aug 2024 | 11:10 PM UTC

Burkina Faso: Security forces to conduct terror attack simulation exercise in Ouagadougou Aug. 10

Security forces plan terror attack simulation exercise in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 06:00-12:00 Aug. 10; localized disruptions possible.


Burkinabe security forces plan to conduct a terror attack simulation exercise in Ouagadougou 06:00-12:00 Aug. 10. In advance of the event, the Ministry of Security has issued a public statement advising individuals in the city, and particularly those in the Roumtenga area as well as those using the major routes for entering and exiting the capital, that gunshots, explosions, and road traffic disruptions may occur in connection with the exercise. Authorities have urged the public not to be concerned and to go about their normal activities.

A heightened security presence will almost certainly be deployed in parts of Ouagadougou during the exercise. Despite the public announcement, the exercise could prompt some localized transport and business disruptions in the capital, particularly in any areas where news of the planned event fails to circulate. Previous, similar training sessions conducted by the Burkinabe security forces have largely transpired without significant incident.

Avoid the planned military exercise and remain calm if operating in close proximity to the event. Consider taking alternative routes to circumvent affected areas. Heed the instructions of local authorities.