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09 Sep 2024 | 06:03 AM UTC

Sri Lanka: Student unions to rally in Colombo Sept. 10

University students to protest in Colombo, Sri Lanka, Sept. 10. Tight security, localized traffic disruptions likely. Skirmishes possible.


The Inter-University Students Federation and other unions have called for a demonstration in Colombo Sept. 10. Venue and timing details are unclear; organizers have previously attempted to gather near the Ministry of Health building from late morning through the afternoon. The action is to denounce education policies such as the proposed National Education Policy Framework (NEPF) and alleged failure to provide public healthcare jobs for health science graduates from public universities, among others. Dozens of people may attend the rally in Colombo and block or march on roadways. Legal orders and police blockades have prompted venue changes and other modifications of protest plans at short notice during previous related gatherings.

Participants may gather at or march from alternative demonstration venues if barred from approaching government buildings; these include the De Soysa/Liberty Circus intersections, Fort Railway Station, Galle Face Green, public squares, and major roadways.

Security personnel typically monitor protests; roadblocks and security cordons are possible near prominent government buildings in the vicinity. Localized transport disruptions are probable, especially in case of a large turnout. Clashes between police and protesters are possible. Security forces have previously used tear gas and water cannons to disperse demonstrations. Associated disruptions to local businesses may occur if significant violence breaks out.

Avoid the protest due to possible skirmishes. Do not attempt to navigate roadblocks; wait for police to clear them before proceeding. If violence breaks out, depart the area immediately and seek shelter at a safe nongovernmental building. Plan for travel delays in Colombo Sept. 10. Monitor trusted local media for updates on protest plans, as organizers may change details at short notice. Heed all security and traffic advisories.