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07 Sep 2024 | 08:46 AM UTC

UK: Anti-abortion activists to protest in central London Sept. 7

Anti-abortion activists to protest and march through central London, UK, from 10:00 Sept. 7. Localized transport disruptions possible.


Anti-abortion activists plan to stage a protest march in central London on Sept. 7 to demand reforms to the country's abortion laws. Attendees will gather at the Emmanuel Centre on Marsham Street from 10:00, where speeches and other events are to take place. A protest march will then depart for the Houses of Parliament at 13:30, culminating in a rally on Parliament Square; the demonstration is slated to end at around 16:30. Event organizers estimated that attendance would be in the thousands, with previous related events drawing crowds of up to 7,000.

Police will likely deploy to monitor and facilitate the demonstration. Counter-protests are possible. Despite this, the event will likely pass off peacefully. Some road closures and traffic disruptions are possible.

Avoid the demonstration as a routine security precaution. Consider taking alternative routes to circumvent any associated disruptions; check public transport schedules and local traffic conditions before beginning journeys. Adhere to all instructions issued by local authorities.