30 Dec 2024 | 07:35 PM UTC
Trinidad and Tobago: Authorities declare state of emergency nationwide as of Dec. 30
Authorities in Trinidad and Tobago declare state of emergency on Dec. 30 in response to spike in violent crime. Increased security likely.
Authorities in Trinidad and Tobago announced a nationwide state of emergency Dec. 30 following a spike in violent gang-related crime. The state of emergency will last three months from when it is ratified by Parliament; Parliament must consider the measure no later than Jan. 13.
Under the state of emergency, military forces are granted the authority to conduct police functions, and security forces have the power to conduct warrantless searches of private premises, including both commercial and residential properties, and arrest those suspected of involvement in illegal activities. The state of emergency is also likely to prompt increased police and military presence throughout the country, with security forces conducting high-visibility patrols, especially in Port of Spain and areas frequently affected by gang-related crime.
Strictly adhere to all instructions issued by local authorities and security personnel. Exercise heightened caution when operating in areas where gangs are present.