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10 Dec 2018 | 12:21 AM UTC

India: Security operation leaves three militants dead in Srinagar Dec. 8-9

Security operation leaves three militants dead and five security personnel wounded in Srinagar December 8-9; further operations possible



A security operation and accompanying gunfight between security officers and militants took place in Srinagar on Saturday and Sunday, December 8-9, leaving three militants dead and five security personnel wounded. Security forces reportedly launched the operation near Srinagar-Bandipora Road in Mujgund district on Saturday night (local time) and cordoned off the area after receiving reports of militants taking refuge in the area. The clashes, which lasted approximately 18 hours, prompted residents to stage anti-India protests and clash with security forces; authorities have temporarily suspended mobile Internet access in Srinagar to prevent further unrest.

A heightened security presence is to be expected in Srinagar over the near term and further such security operations are possible.


Indian armed forces continue to launch operations against members of the secessionist Hizbul Mujahideen and Lashkar-e-Taiba groups, who challenge India's sovereignty over Kashmir. Tensions have been particularly high in the region in recent months, with often deadly sporadic cross-border shelling and border skirmishes between Pakistani and Indian armed forces along the Line of Control (LoC).


Individuals in the affected areas are advised to closely monitor developments to the situation and adhere to all instructions issued by the local authorities. As a reminder, some Western governments advise their citizens against travel to parts of Kashmir, notably areas along the Line of Control (LoC), due to the significant risk of violence.