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20 Apr 2022 | 03:58 PM UTC

US: March planned in front of the Michigan State Capitol in Lansing, Michigan, April 21, to demand justice over a police shooting

Activists to march to the Michigan State Capitol in Lansing, Mich., US, April 21, to demand justice over an officer-involved shooting.



Activists plan to hold a march in Lansing, Michigan, April 21 to demand justice over a recent officer-involved shooting. Demonstrators want a Grand Rapids officer who shot and killed a man in early April to be named and dismissed from the Grand Rapids Police Department, as well as more oversight from state officials over local police departments. Protesters plan to gather at the intersection of Michigan and Pennsylvania avenues at 15:00 and march to the Michigan State Capitol, where they will hold a rally from 16:00. Dozens to several hundred people may attend the protest.

Heightened security is likely in the march area, especially around the State Capitol. Associated transport and business disruptions are likely. Clashes are unlikely but cannot be ruled out.


Allow additional time to reach your destination if operating in Lansing April 21. Heed instructions from authorities.