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Intelligence Analysis 25th January 2022

Crisis24 joins Invest Africa for a UAE-Africa Outlook


Join Crisis24’s Isabelle Simon, Regional Manager and Michael Susong, SVP Global Intelligence as they discuss the UAE/Yemen situation, and the overall outlook for Africa in 2022, alongside other industry-leading experts.


About the Event

Africa is projected to see increased GDP growth as well as an increase in GDP per capita. Levels of CPI inflation are set to improve across the continent; however, levels of public debt are only going to increase post-pandemic.

The political landscape across the continent is mixed; perceived liberalization and the growth of democracy would seemingly give the impression of a less volatile continent, therefore attracting increased foreign investment. However, as seen with the Sudan, Mali, the DRC and Somalia, the political scene remains highly volatile within multiple states. 

Overall, the 2022 outlook for Africa remains positive, with increased levels of growth following a continent-wide recession twinned with reduced levels of inflation seemingly making 2022 a positive year for the continent. 

Against the continued uncertain backdrop of the pandemic, join Crisis24 and Invest Africa in Dubai for an insight into the economic and political trends to watch in 2022.

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