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24 May 2017 | 09:38 PM UTC

CAR: Ramadan to begin May 26-27

Muslims in CAR will begin celebrating Ramadan May 26-27; expect reduced business hours as well as tight security measures



On May 26-27 (depending on the moon), Muslims will begin their month-long celebration of Ramadan. The end of the month of Ramadan, marked by the Eid-el-Fitr celebrations, will take place on June 25. Many businesses, restaurants, and government administrations are expected to operate on a reduced schedule during this holy month. Diplomatic missions may also operate on a similar schedule.

Transportation disruptions are to be anticipated during this period due to an increased number of travelers, especially in airports. Heavy traffic after sundown is to be anticipated as Muslims typically gather for festivities and to eat with family, especially over weekends. Furthermore, traffic accidents tend to increase during Ramadan (especially at dusk) due to a combination of hunger, dehydration, exhaustion, and impatience.

In addition, heavy rains are to expected during Ramadan as the rainy season spans from March to June in the Central African Republic (CAR). Power outages as well as water cuts are possible and can lead to poor food preservation (malfunctioning refrigerators and freezers) and shortages of drinking water. Traffic may be disrupted if flooding blocks major thoroughfares.

Local authorities also typically observe an increase in incidents of petty crime during this period.


Ramadan is a period of reflection and self-restraint and carries great significance within the Muslim calendar. Muslims traditionally observe daytime fasting and are called to practice increased devotion.

There is no state-prescribed religion in CAR and the majority of the population is Christian. However, around 15 percent of the population is Muslim, which is concentrated in the capital Bangui and in the north.

A religious conflict has ravaged the country since December 2013; Bangui especially has been gripped by deadly clashes between the Christian civilian militia Anti-Balaka and the Muslim FPRC (ex-Seleka coalition). The conflict has led to hundreds of deaths, created almost 1 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) and pushed more than 400,000 to seek refuge in the neighboring countries of Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Chad. Tensions remains high throughout the country. These ongoing tensions have created an environment in which violent clashes between Christians and Muslims during Ramadan are likely, especially in Bangui.


Individuals in CAR are advised to avoid eating, drinking, or smoking in public by day in Muslim-majority areas during this period. Travelers are also advised to allow additional time for travel and to avoid any form of public demonstration or public gathering.

Many Western governments advise against travel to the country due to these and other security concerns. Travel should only be considered with proper security protocols in place.