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07 May 2017 | 04:50 AM UTC

Czech Republic: Increased security across Czech airports

Increased police officer presence across Czech airports by 2018



The Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on its website that it has taken steps to increase security measures in the country. Airports across Czech Republic will be staffed with 221 additional armed officers: Vaclav Havel International Airport (PRG) will gradually deploy 200 more police officers by 2018 while 21 others will be dispatched to Brno (BRQ), Karlovy Vary (KLV), Leoš Janáček – Ostrava (OSR), and Pardubice (PED) airports.


Recent terrorist attacks in Europe have prompted Czech security officials to reassess and address security threats throughout the country. In addition to recent attacks, Prague has become one of the more popular holiday or weekend destinations for European citizens, increasing the city’s profile as a target for violent and tourist-related crime.


Individuals in Czech Republic are advised to report any suspicious behavior or objects to the local authorities. Due to heightened security, anticipate longer wait times during pre-departure screening.