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01 Aug 2017 | 10:08 AM UTC

Liberia: Electoral campaign period launched July 31

Electoral Commission releases list of 20 candidates July 31 in the running for the October presidential elections



On Monday, July 31, the Electoral Commission released a list of the 20 candidates in the running for the presidential elections, scheduled to take place on October 10. Among the candidates is former presidential runner-up George Weah, defeated twice in 2005 and 2011, as well as current Vice President Joseph Boakai and ex-rebel Prince Johnson, known for the assassination of former President Samuel Doe. 


In October voters will choose a successor to current President Johnson Sirleaf, who is completing his second and final term. Legislative elections are also scheduled to take place on the same date.


Individuals present in Liberia are advised to monitor local news and to stay away from any political rallies or protests, as violence may flare up without warning.