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22 Sep 2017 | 09:37 AM UTC

Guinea: Violent protests continue in Boké /update 2

Violent protests in Boke on September 21 leave 17 injured; further protests likely



Hundreds of people protested in Boké on Thursday, September 21. Security forces reportedly used batons to disperse the demonstrators, who set fire to a police station. At least 17 people were injured during the protest. Tensions in the city are increasingly high and similar protests could continue over the coming days and weeks.


This most recent demonstration comes a week after deadly protests resulted in the suspension of mining activities in Boké on September 13. Furthermore, on September 19 protestors in  Kamsar - angered over frequent power cuts - blocked roads and railways and halted the operations of the Companie Bauxite de Guinée (CBG) mining company.

Cities in the west with major bauxite repositories have seen frequent waves of violent protests and riots relating to the perceived failure of mining companies to address local socioeconomic grievances and poor living standards.

Guinea is Africa's top producer of bauxite and the country possesses about a third of the world's bauxite reserves.


Individuals in mining cities, including Boké, are advised to avoid all demonstrations and to monitor the situation closely.