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21 Sep 2017 | 04:53 PM UTC

Iraq: Air strike campaign intensifies over Hawija and Upper Euphrates Valley

Iraqi air force and US-led coalition increase intensity of airstrikes over Hawija and Upper Euphrates Valley ahead of planned offensives



In recent days, the US-led coalition and the Iraqi Air Force have increased the intensity of airstrikes over the Islamic State (IS) held town of Hawija (Kirkuk province) and in the Upper Euphrates Valley (Anbar province). The strikes, which have mainly targeted weapon caches and explosive workshops, are thought to come ahead of possible simultaneous offensives to remove IS from both areas.


Iraqi forces recently retook the cities of Tal Afar and Mosul from IS control in recent months.

The likelihood of high-profile attacks remains elevated following the liberations of Mosul and Tal Afar from IS control. Diversionary and retaliatory attacks by IS have become increasingly common. Priority targets could include military or police installations, high-traffic areas in the city center, and predominantly Shi'a neighborhoods.


The security environment in Iraq remains complex and the north and west of federal Iraq is non-permissive to most foreign organizations. The threat from terrorism and violent crime in other areas varies, but employing private security company to facilitate business operations is highly recommended.

Individuals should exercise extreme caution and take common-sense measure to limit exposure to the risk of kidnapping (vary daily routines, limit movements outside secured areas, etc.). Report any suspicious objects or behavior.