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11 Nov 2017 | 02:05 PM UTC

Mexico: Tourists killed by police at checkpoint in Coahuila

Investigation reveals police mistakenly shot and killed two US residents at highway checkpoint in Coahuila state October 28; cooperate with authorities at roadblocks



A US citizen and US resident were mistakenly shot and killed by police officers at a highway checkpoint in Coahuila state on October 28. It was initially reported that the two men failed to stop at the checkpoint near Saltillo and opened fire on two police officers. However, a police investigation revealed that the victims were unarmed and that the officers had falsified their accounts of the event to cover up the incident. The two officers are being charged with murder.


Police and military forces in Mexico regularly use roadblocks or checkpoints to search for drugs and firearms. Armed criminal groups also set up illegal roadblocks to trap victims.


To avoid violent confrontations, always stop at checkpoints and roadblocks in Mexico - both legal and illegal. Approach slowly, avoid any sudden movements when speaking with individuals manning the checkpoints, and obey all instructions. Always travel with necessary documentation, e.g. passport/visa and car registration details, handy. Keep in mind that there are high levels of corruption within Mexican police forces - notably affected municipal police - and that you may be asked for a bribe; as such, it is advisable to keep a relatively small amount of cash separate from the rest of your money to be used for this purpose.