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04 Dec 2017 | 05:23 PM UTC

Israel/Palestinian Territories: Widespread protests planned December 6

Widespread protests planned December 6 in West Bank and Gaza Strip over speculation US President Trump will recognize Jerusalem as Israeli capital



Widespread protests are planned in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip on Wednesday, December 6, over speculation that the US will recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and that the US Embassy will move from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. A decision on the matter is expected to be announced in the US by Wednesday. Hamas has reportedly called for a new intifada ("uprising") if the US moves its embassy to Jerusalem or recognizes the city as the capital of Israel. Political violence and consequent transportation disruptions are possible in Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip in the coming days in response to the US decision.


President Trump has indicated a newfound willingness to officially recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital, a departure from the previous US position of neutrality on the status of the city claimed by both Israelis and Palestinians; the US Embassy is currently located in Tel Aviv.

The US Congress passed a law in 1995 stipulating that the US Embassy in Israel be moved to Jerusalem by May 1999; US Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama all issued waivers every six months to delay the move throughout their respective tenures.


Individuals in Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip are advised to avoid all public demonstrations due to the risk of violence.

Due to the ongoing terrorist threat, travelers in Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip are advised to report any suspicious objects or behavior to the authorities and to remain vigilant when visiting sites deemed particularly likely to be targeted in an attack (public transportation, train stations, ports, airports, public or government buildings, embassies or consulates, international organizations, schools and universities, religious sites, markets, hotels and restaurants frequented by foreigners/Westerners, etc.). As a reminder, several Western governments advise their citizens against all travel to the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and areas near the Israeli-Lebanese, Israeli-Syrian, and Israeli-Egyptian borders.