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19 Dec 2017 | 10:44 AM UTC

Peru: Thousands march in Lima and Cuzco December 16 /update 1

Thousands march in Lima and Cuzco December 16 in protest of impeachment debate against President Kuczynski scheduled to begin December 21



Thousands of demonstrators marched in Lima and Cuzco for roughly three hours on Saturday, December 16, in protest of the Peruvian Congress' motion to begin an impeachment debate against President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski on Thursday, December 21. The protesters alleged that Popular Force party politicians, political rivals to Kuczynski's Peruvians for Change (PPK) party, are using their majority in the Peruvian Congress to unfairly call for Kuczynski's impeachment on purely political grounds, without regard for due process in the investigation of his alleged improper ties with Odebrecht Organization.

Most Peruvians, however, are in favor of Kuczynski resigning from office over his alleged acceptance of bribes from Odebrecht, and the holding of new presidential elections, according to an Ipsos poll released Sunday, December 17. Additional protests, heightened security measures, and consequent traffic disruptions are possible in major Peruvian cities in the coming days in advance of the beginning of the impeachment debate on December 21. Demonstrations are also particularly likely on Friday, December 22, when Kuczynski is expected to testify before a congressional commission regarding the accusations.


Kuczynski has been accused of accepting bribes from the Brazilian construction company Odebrecht for the procurement of public contracts. Ongoing investigations into the Odebrecht scandal have uncovered a widespread network of government officials bribed to secure contracts, implicating high-ranking politicians across Latin America. The most recent example is Ecuador's Vice President Jorse Glas, who was sentenced to six years in prison on December 13.

Kuczynski supporters have claimed that the Popular Force-led impeachment motion against Kuczynski is informed by "Fujimorismo" - support for Popular Force party leader Keiko Fujimori and the policies of her father, former President Alberto Fujimori.


Individuals in Peru are advised to stay informed of the evolving sociopolitical climate in the coming weeks and to avoid any protests as a precaution against potential violence.