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23 Feb 2018 | 09:46 PM UTC

Italy: Multiple protests planned in Rome February 24

Multiple demonstrations planned in Rome February 24; heightened security presence, road closures, and bus transportation disruptions expected in affected areas



Four large demonstrations are planned to take place in Rome on Saturday, February 24, to denounce various social and political issues. The National Association of Italian Partisans (ANPI) is expected to stage an anti-fascist protest march in which 20,000 people are expected to participate; the march will begin at Piazza della Repubblica at 13:00 (local time) and conclude at Piazza del Popolo at 17:00. According to local sources, the march may restrict access to the Flaminio/Metro A station next to the Porta del Popolo.

The Confederazione dei Comitati di Base (COBAS) union is expected to hold a separate march, demanding the repeal of the Jobs Act, beginning at 14:00 from Piazza dell'Esquilino and terminating at Piazza della Madonna di Loreto at 19:00; up to 4500 people are anticipated to march.

Additionally, as many as 10,000 people are expected to participate in a protest planned by the "No Vax Movement," a group against compulsory vaccination. The demonstration is expected to be staged at Piazza di Porta San Giovanni, beginning at 14:00 and ending at 18:00.

Lastly, the "Antagonist Groups" (far-left activists) are planning to protest current immigration laws at the Center for Identification and Expulsion (CIE) Ponte Galeria, with around 100 people expected to attend. The protest is expected to begin at 14:00 and end at 19:00. A heightened security presence, road closures, and bus transportation disruptions are expected in the affected areas of Rome throughout Saturday.


Individuals in Rome are advised to monitor developments to the situation, avoid all protests and demonstrations as a precaution, and adhere to all instructions issued by the local authorities. Anticipate severe traffic congestion and bus transportation disruptions during the protests. A map of the ANPI protest march route is available here; a map of the COBAS protest march route is available here.