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12 Feb 2018 | 08:34 AM UTC

Nicaragua: Increased security presence around schools

Authorities increase security measures around schools nationwide starting in February due to rising crime threats



Nicaraguan authorities have announced the deployment of additional security measures around schools nationwide beginning in February over fears of attacks by criminal gangs. Although no specific threats were reported in Nicaragua, multiple countries in Central America have increased security measures around schools in an attempt to reduce violent crime and gang activity.


Crime rates in Nicaragua, while relatively low by Central American standards, are not insignificant. Rates of theft, mugging, break-ins, sexual assaults, and pickpocketing are particularly high in urban areas such as Managua. The annual homicide rate remains relatively low at 8 murders per 100,000 residents. However, this varies significantly by region, with the highest rates in the Región Autónoma Atlántico Sur (RAAS), at 33 per 100,000. Nicaragua's police forces do not suffer from the same levels of endemic corruption as forces elsewhere in the region. However, the police presence is low, particularly outside the capital.


Due to the general crime threat, individuals in Nicaragua are advised to remain vigilant, only keep small amounts of cash on hand, conceal signs of wealth as much as possible, only use ATMs located within banks (and be vigilant when leaving banks), and never hail taxis off the street. Keep in mind that criminals may be armed; do not resist if confronted and do not look your attacker(s) directly in the eye.