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05 Sep 2018 | 05:20 PM UTC

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Veterans clash with police in Sarajevo Sep. 5

Protesting veterans clash with police in Sarajevo on September 5; several people injured



Hundreds of veterans protesting in Sarajevo to demand increased benefits on Wednesday, September 5, clashed with police after demonstrators blocked the city center. Police fired tear gas to disperse the crowd, which reportedly sickened dozens of protesters; at least four police officers were also injured during the incident. Additional related protests are possible in the coming days and weeks.


Veterans who served in the Bosnian Army and the Croatian Defence Council (HVO) are protesting what they allege is Parliament's failure to adopt a law passed in July that would give veterans increased benefits. The demonstrators fear the law will not be finalized before the October 7 parliamentary and presidential elections.


Individuals in Sarajevo are advised to monitor developments to the situation, avoid all protests and demonstrations as a precaution, and adhere to all instructions issued by the local authorities.