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05 Sep 2018 | 09:20 PM UTC

Germany: Demonstrations scheduled in Chemnitz on September 7

Far-right "Pro Chemnitz" protests and counter-protests to take place in Chemnitz on September 7; avoid all demonstrations



The far-right Citizens' Movement Pro Chemnitz group has called for a demonstration to take place around the Karl Marx Monument in Chemnitz (Saxony state) starting at 18:30 (local time) on Friday, September 7. Counter-protests by anti-far-right groups are also expected. According to local sources, an open-air concert will be organized on Friday at Theaterplatz to protest the recent wave of demonstrations by far-right groups.

Further demonstrations are possible in Chemnitz in the coming days. A heightened security presence and associated transportation disruptions are expected in the vicinity of any demonstrations. Clashes between protesters and counter-protesters, as well as between protesters and security forces, cannot be ruled out.


On Sunday, August 26, a German man was fatally stabbed in Chemnitz, and two men of Iraqi and Syrian origin were subsequently arrested for his death. Multiple demonstrations were held by far-right groups on August 26, August 27, and September 1, and numerous clashes between far-right protesters and counter-protesters have occurred since then.


Individuals in Chemnitz are advised to monitor developments to the situation, avoid all protests and demonstrations as a precaution, and adhere to all instructions issued by the local authorities.