23 Nov 2018 | 08:27 AM UTC
DRC: Journalist sit-in in Kinshasa November 23
Journalists plans to stage a sit-in in Kinshasa November 23; avoid all gatherings
Journalists called for a sit-in protest to take place in front of the Prime Minister's Office located in the Gombe district of the capital Kinshasa on Friday, November 23. Protesters are expected to gather at 09:00 (local time) to demand the release of one of their colleagues, arrested early in November for reporting on Prime Minister Bruno Tshibala's alleged involvement in the disappearance of large sums of public money. An increased security presence, as well as localized traffic disruptions, are likely. Clashes between protesters and security forces cannot be ruled out.
Acts of intimidation and assaults against journalists occur regularly in the DRC, which ranked 154 out of 180 on the Reporters Without Borders press freedom index.
Individuals present in the DRC are advised to exercise caution and maintain a low profile at all times, avoid all protests and demonstrations as a precaution, and obey any instructions issued by the local authorities.