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21 Nov 2018 | 01:40 PM UTC

DRC: Two humanitarian workers killed in Tanganyika Nov. 15

Two American nationals working for an NGO in Tanganyika killed on November 15



On Tuesday, November 20, an American NGO announced that two of its employees working in the Tanganyika region were killed on November 15. The NGO has suspended all activities until further notice and is in close collaboration with local authorities to assist with the investigation.


Tanganyika has since 2013 been the theater of bloody confrontations between members of the Bantu and Luba ethnic groups, who have moved onto land historically inhabited by the Pygmee and Twa people.


The political and security situation in DRC is complex. Although travel is permissible in some areas, other areas may be considered off limits. Professional security advice and support should be sought prior to travel.