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12 Dec 2018 | 01:14 PM UTC

Netherlands: “Yellow vest” protest in Rotterdam and The Hague Dec. 15 /update 2

“Yellow vest” movement to hold further protests in various urban centers in the Netherlands on December 15; heightened security presence and associated transportation disruptions expected



"Yellow vest" demonstrations are scheduled to take place in the Netherlands on Saturday, December 15. In Rotterdam, participants will gather at 11:30 (local time) at the Erasmus Bridge; in The Hague, the demonstration will take place from 13:00 near the Binnenhof complex. Other demonstrations are scheduled in Amsterdam and other cities, although further details have yet to emerge. Localized transportation disruptions, along with a heightened security presence, are expected.


The "yellow vest" movement began in France on November 17 to protest rising fuel prices and a planned fuel tax. Since then, associated demonstrations have been organized in Belgium and the Netherlands.


Individuals in the Netherlands are advised to monitor developments to the situation, avoid all protests as a precaution, allow for extra time to reach their destinations when traveling near affected areas, and adhere to all instructions issued by the local authorities.