11 Oct 2019 | 10:40 AM UTC
DRC: Ongoing clashes in Lubumbashi October 11
Security forces and militia group clash in Lubumbashi October 11; avoid the area
Clashes between security forces and suspected members of the Bakata Katanga militias are ongoing in Lubumbashi as of the morning (local time) on Friday, October 11. The affected areas include the Annexe and Rwashi districts. Clashes follow an incursion by the militia in the evening of the day prior. Casualties have been reported although not confirmed. Businesses and schools in the affected areas have reportedly been closed.
The situation remains tense and a significant security presence is anticipated in the coming hours and days.
Individuals present in Lubumbashi are advised to monitor developments to the situation, avoid the affected areas, and follow all instructions issued by the security forces.