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04 Nov 2020 | 10:18 AM UTC

US: Police arrest eight people amid anti-racism protests in Seattle November 3

Police arrest eight people amid anti-racism protests in Seattle on November 3; avoid demonstrations as a precaution



Police have arrested eight people in Seattle after anti-racism protests and marches took place in the city on Tuesday night, November 3. According to the authorities, the arrests were made due to "pedestrian interference, obstruction, assault on an officer, reckless driving, and criminal mischief". Some protesters carried "Black Lives Matter" banners. No injuries have been reported amid the unrest and there is no evidence that it was directly linked to the elections. 

Further demonstrations are possible and a heightened police presence is expected in the vicinity of any gatherings, with disruptions to transportation and business likely.


Those in Seattle are advised to monitor the situation, avoid all demonstrations as a precaution, anticipate a heightened security presence, and adhere to all instructions issued by the local authorities.