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15 Feb 2021 | 09:07 PM UTC

Italy: Authorities enforcing COVID-19-related international travel restrictions as of Feb. 15 /update 35

Italy maintaining international entry restrictions, domestic COVID-19 measures as of Feb. 15.



Authorities in Italy are maintaining international travel restrictions as of Feb. 15 as part of measures to minimize the spread of COVID-19. Travel from outside the EEA - with the exception of that from Australia, New Zealand, Rwanda, Singapore, South Korea, and Switzerland - is currently prohibited unless conducted for study, proven work needs, or urgent health or family reasons. All permitted arrivals, except those from San Marino and Vatican City, must fill out a self-declaration form prior to arrival. Arrivals from the EEA and Switzerland must also have proof of having tested negative for COVID-19 within the previous 48 hours; all other permitted arrivals must self-isolate for 14 days. Transport and health workers, individuals in transit through Italy, and those staying in Italy for less than 120 hours (five days) for work reasons are exempt.

Flights from Brazil remain suspended over concerns regarding a variant strain of COVID-19. Travelers who have visited or transited Brazil within 14 days prior to arriving in Italy will be prohibited from entering or transiting the country. Persons who have visited or transited the UK within 14 days prior to arriving in Italy will be barred from entering the country unless they have been legal residents since prior to Dec. 23, 2020, or are traveling for an essential reason; such essential reasons must be declared in writing. Such travelers must present proof of having tested negative for COVID-19; the test must have been taken no more than 72 hours before departing for Italy. They must also take a COVID-19 test on arrival. Regardless of the test results, arrivals from the UK must report to their local health authorities in Italy and self-isolate for at least 14 days.

A ban on nonessential travel between regions is in force until at least Feb. 25; exceptions are allowed for essential travel such as for work, family, or health reasons. A nationwide state of emergency, which empowers the government to introduce extraordinary measures to combat COVID-19, will be in effect until at least April 30. Additionally, the following measures will be in place nationwide until at least March 5:

  • A 2200-0500 curfew is in effect, during which time individuals must remain at home unless performing essential tasks. Anyone leaving their home for essential reasons must fill out a self-declaration form.

  • Individuals must wear facemasks in all outdoor and indoor public spaces, including in schools and workplaces. Children under the age of six are exempt from this requirement.

  • Up to two people may visit another home within their region once a day.

  • Restaurants and bars must close at 1800 daily; carryout services remain permitted until 2200.

In addition to nationwide measures, Italy employs a three-tier, color-coded system for tracking COVID-19 activity at the local level and implementing restrictions accordingly. The levels comprising the system are yellow, orange, and red, in order of increasing infection risk.

In "red" regions, officials prohibit all movement between and within municipalities except for work, study, health, or other essential reasons. Most nonessential businesses are closed. Catering establishments may only offer carryout services between 0500-2200. In "orange" regions, movement between regions remains prohibited except for work, study, health, and other essential reasons. Catering establishments may only offer carryout services between 0500-2200. Individuals conducting restricted travel for essential reasons in orange and red zones must fill out a self-declaration form to be presented to authorities on request. "Yellow" regions are subject to national level restrictions only. Authorities review the situation weekly and revise region categories every 15 days should the situation warrant.

Authorities could reimpose, extend, further tighten, or otherwise amend any restrictions with little-to-no notice depending on disease activity over the coming weeks, particularly in response to developments regarding the newly discovered COVID-19 strain.


Follow all official instructions. Abide by national health and safety measures. Reconfirm all travel arrangements. Consider delaying traveling if experiencing symptoms associated with COVID-19, as they may prompt increased scrutiny and delays. Liaise with trusted contacts for further updates and guidance. Maintain contact with your diplomatic representation. Ensure contingency plans account for further disruptive measures or extensions of current restrictions. Reconsider and reconfirm nonemergency health appointments.


Government of Italy Regional COVID-19 Risk Zones
Self-Declaration For Travel Within Italy
Country Level Status for Entry to Italy
List of Countries from where Travelers Face Restrictions Upon Entry in Italy
COVID-19 Related Hotline Numbers
Self-Declaration Form for Travelers to Italy
World Health Organization (WHO)