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30 Jun 2021 | 07:57 AM UTC

Nepal: Officials easing quarantine rules for international arrivals as of June 30 due to COVID-19 /update 51

Nepal easing quarantine curbs for international arrivals as of June 30. Varying domestic rules remain in effect nationwide.



Nepal has eased quarantine requirements for international arrivals and other restrictions nationwide as of June 30 amid lower local COVID-19 activity. Fully vaccinated arrivals can now serve their seven-day quarantine at their residence instead of a designated facility. Arrivals who have not been vaccinated can also undergo a shortened quarantine of seven days at designated sites. Authorities have also allowed public transport vehicles of more than 25 seats to resume operations 06:00-19:00 daily.

More stringent restrictions remain in effect in Kathmandu Valley - comprising Bhaktapur, Kathmandu, and Lalitpur districts - through at least July 5. Further extensions are possible. All businesses can open through 18:00 daily. All public, personal, and private hire vehicles must follow an odd-even rule, under which vehicles with an even registration number are allowed on even days of the week and vice versa. Individuals must continue staying home to the extent possible while nonessential gatherings remain banned in the Kathmandu Valley. Delivery services are operational. Essential stores are open daily, while banks and financial institutions are functioning with limited hours. Officials are mandating rapid antigen testing at entry points to the Kathmandu Valley. Travelers from the Kathmandu Valley to other regions in Nepal must quarantine for 10 days upon arrival at their destination. Local authorities in most other districts are also enforcing various movement, transport, and business controls.

Other nationwide measures continue. Most social and public gatherings remain banned. Educational institutions remain closed until further notice. Transport services are operational with limited passenger capacity in some areas; domestic commercial flights remain banned. Residents must wear protective face coverings and adhere to social distancing guidelines while in public, though enforcement and adherence are generally poor. Violators of COVID-19 controls may face arrest and/or fines up to NPR 500,000.

International Travel Restrictions
Authorities are permitting limited international passenger flights to and from destinations such as China, India, Qatar, and Turkey, and may allow travel with additional nations to resume in the coming weeks. Arrivals must provide either a negative PCR test or its equivalent obtained within 72 hours before departure or a certificate confirming completion of vaccination. However, air carriers may mandate passengers – regardless of vaccination status – to submit negative PCR test results for boarding. On-arrival and electronic visa issuance remain suspended, except for pre-approved travelers, foreigners of Nepali origin and their relatives, and those officially affiliated with international development organizations and diplomatic missions. Additionally, foreign entrants must have a hotel booking, a barcode from completing the requisite online form at the COVID-19 Crisis Management Center (CCMC) portal, and travel insurance. Entry rules are subject to change at short notice.

Transit passengers traveling via Tribhuvan International Airport (KTM) in Kathmandu cannot obtain pre-departure testing in Nepal to proceed to their final destination. However, exemptions are in place for Nepali citizens, residents, diplomats, and approved passengers under bilateral "air bubble" arrangements. Officials are banning entry for all foreigners arriving by land except Chinese and Indian nationals. Indian citizens must present a negative result from a PCR test taken within 72 hours before arrival and provide proof of quarantine hotel reservation. Chinese nationals must provide a negative COVID-19 test result, hotel reservations, and entry permits.

Officials continue to advise Nepali citizens against nonessential international travel. Health checks are mandatory at all entry points. Approved passengers and individuals repatriating to Nepal may enter the country via available land border crossings.


Follow all official instructions. Abide by national health and safety measures. Consider delaying travel if experiencing symptoms associated with COVID-19, as they may prompt increased scrutiny and delays. Liaise with trusted contacts for further updates and guidance. Maintain contact with your diplomatic representation. Ensure contingency plans account for further disruptive measures or extensions of current restrictions. Reconfirm nonemergency health appointments, business appointments, deliveries, and travel arrangements in case of enhanced curbs.


Nepal Department of Immigration
Nepal COVID-19 Crisis Management Center
World Health Organization (WHO)