10 Sep 2021 | 03:46 PM UTC
Canada: Protests planned in multiple locations to oppose COVID-19 vaccine mandates and other measures, Sept. 13
Activists to protest COVID-19 vaccine mandates and other measures in multiple cities throughout Canada, Sept. 13. Clashes possible.
Members and supporters of several organizations, including The Line Canada and Canadian Frontline Nurses, plan to demonstrate in multiple locations Sept. 13, to oppose requirements to be vaccinated against COVID-19, and other government measures related to the pandemic.
Some of the largest protests are scheduled to occur in the following locations starting at 14:00:
Calgary, Alberta: Foothills Medical Centre
Edmonton, Alberta: Royal Alexandra Hospital
Halifax, Nova Scotia: Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre
Montreal, Quebec: McGill University Health Centre
Ottawa, Ontario: The Ottawa Hospital
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan: City Hospital
Toronto, Ontario: Toronto General Hospital
Vancouver, B.C.: City Hall
Victoria, B.C.: The Legislature
Winnipeg, Manitoba: Health Sciences Centre
Protests are possible in other locations. Heightened security around the protests is likely, especially as they are planned near government offices and health centers. Recent similar protests have led to minor clashes between protesters and police, and reports of harassment towards healthcare workers. Disruptions to services in health centers are possible.
Avoid all protests. Allow additional time to reach your destination, if operating at an impacted location Sept. 13. Strictly heed instructions from authorities.