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26 Nov 2021 | 09:18 PM UTC

Europe: Several nations suspend international travel with southern African countries as of Nov. 26 due to new COVID-19 strain

Several European countries suspend international travel with southern African countries as of Nov. 26 due to new COVID-19 strain.



As of Nov. 26, authorities in several European nations have instituted bans of varying durations on passenger transport with several southern African countries in response to a new strain of COVID-19 discovered primarily in the Gauteng Province of South Africa.

European countries differ in which southern African states are subject to increased restrictions, but they generally include some or all of South Africa, Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Restrictions are likely to be expanded to include additional countries as cases of the new variant are confirmed.

Restrictions imposed vary by location but typically include a suspension of flights, prohibition of entry for all non-nationals, and the requirement for all permitted arrivals to quarantine regardless of vaccination or recovery status.

European countries confirmed to be applying these restrictions include Austria, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, and the UK. Additional countries are likely to impose similar restrictions in the coming days. The European Commission has confirmed it intends to recommend a coordinated response among EU member states, including a suspension of air travel to the affected countries.


Follow all official instructions. Abide by national health and safety measures. Reconfirm all travel arrangements if planning to travel between southern African and European countries; check entry requirements with national authorities.

Consider delaying traveling if experiencing symptoms associated with COVID-19, as they may prompt increased scrutiny and delays. Liaise with trusted contacts for further updates and guidance. Maintain contact with your diplomatic representation. Ensure contingency plans account for further disruptive measures or extensions of current restrictions. Reconsider and reconfirm nonemergency health appointments.