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08 Mar 2022 | 10:45 AM UTC

Kosovo: Authorities enforcing eased COVID-19-related domestic measures as of March 8 /update 37

Authorities in Kosovo enforcing eased COVID-19-related domestic measures as of March 8; international travel restrictions remain in place.



Authorities in Kosovo are enforcing eased COVID-19-related domestic measures as of March 8. Authorities have lifted the nightly 00:01-05:00 curfew and repealed the mandatory closing time of 23:00 for hospitality venues. All sports, religious, and cultural venues have been permitted to reopen provided they follow social distancing measures. Venues hosting social events are limited to 50-percent capacity.

Domestic Measures
Individuals must present one of the following conditions to use public transport, participate in gatherings, and enter shopping malls, catering facilities, and other public and private institutions:

  • A certificate indicating full vaccination against COVID-19.

  • A certificate indicating inoculation with a single vaccine dose not older than one month.

  • A certificate confirming the individual is medically exempt from the vaccine in addition to a negative PCR test not older than 48 hours.

The following measures are also in place:

  • Nonessential businesses and services are permitted to operate subject to capacity and social distancing requirements.

  • Indoor and outdoor gatherings are permitted at 50 percent of the venue's capacity.

  • Wearing a facemask is mandatory in all indoor and crowded outdoor public spaces.

  • Public road transport is operating at seating capacity only; passengers must wear a facemask.

International Travel Restrictions
All arriving travelers must present one of the following to be permitted entry to Kosovo:

  • Certificate of full vaccination; the last dose must have been administered in the previous 12 months.

  • Evidence the individual recovered from COVID-19 between 21-90 days before entry.

  • A negative PCR test taken 48 hours before entry.

Limited categories of travelers, including transit passengers, diplomats, transport crews, and children under 12, are exempt from these requirements.

Authorities could extend, reimpose, or otherwise amend any restrictions at any time based on disease activity over the coming days and weeks.


Follow all official instructions. Abide by national health and safety measures. Reconfirm all travel arrangements. Consider delaying traveling if experiencing symptoms associated with COVID-19, as they may prompt increased scrutiny and delays. Liaise with trusted contacts for further updates and guidance. Maintain contact with your diplomatic representation. Ensure contingency plans account for further disruptive measures or extensions of current restrictions.


Health Ministry of Kosovo (Albanian)

Prishtina International Airport (PRN)

World Health Organization (WHO)