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27 Jun 2022 | 07:25 PM UTC

Uruguay: Labor activist rally planned in Montevideo, June 27

Labor activists to rally in Montevideo, Uruguay, June 27 to commemorate resistance to the 1973 coup. Increased security is likely.



Activists affiliated with the labor organization Plenario Intersindical de Trabajadores-Convencion Nacional de Trabajadores (PIT-CNT) plan to hold a rally in Montevideo, on June 27, to commemorate the union's resistance to the civic-military rule following the nations 1973 coup. Demonstrators will gather at the Explanada de la Universidad de la Republica along Avenida 18 de Julio starting at 18:00. Events will likely draw large crowds.

Heightened security and associated transport disruptions are likely during the event.


Avoid all protests as a precaution. Allow additional time to reach your destination, if operating in Montevideo, late June 27.