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13 Aug 2022 | 05:40 PM UTC

Japan: Tropical Depression Meari tracking northeastward over Chibu Prefecture as of late Aug. 13 /update 3

TD Meari tracking northeastward over Chibu Prefecture as of late Aug. 13; transport disruptions, evacuations, and power outages ongoing.



Tropical Depression Meari is tracking northeastward over Chiba Prefecture as of late Aug. 13. The storm system made a close approach to Omaezaki in Shizuoka Prefecture before making landfall over the Izu Peninsula at around 17:30 JST Aug. 13. Meari subsequently tracked northeastward across the southern coast of Kanagawa Prefecture before moving over the Bay of Tokyo and Chiba Prefecture. As of 21:00 Aug. 13, the system's center of circulation was approximately 57 km (35 miles) northeast of Yokosuka, Kanagawa Prefecture.

Forecast models indicate that the storm system will continue to track northeastward over northern Chiba and southern Ibaraki prefectures late Aug. 13 and move into the Pacific Ocean off the Ibaraki coast early Aug. 14. The system is expected to restrengthen into a tropical storm as it continues to track northeastward in the Pacific Ocean Aug. 14, before becoming a subtropical low-pressure system southeast of the southern Kuril Islands late Aug. 14.

Heavy rainfall is ongoing across parts of the Pacific side of eastern Japan and Tohoku Region as of late Aug. 13 due to the storm system. The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) has warned that heavy rainfall, thunderstorms, rough seas, strong winds, flooding, and landslides will likely continue in affected regions through at least Aug. 14. Rainfall totals of 15 cm (6 inches) over Kanto Koshin and Tokai regions and 10 cm (4 inches) over Tohoku Region, are expected Aug. 14. Wind gusting up to 108 kph (67 mph) and waves of 3-5 meters (10-16 feet) are possible in coastal regions of Kanto, Tohoku, and Tokai regions, as well as the Izu Islands).

As of late Aug. 13, the JMA has issued the following weather warnings across Japan (other weather systems are bringing adverse conditions in some regions, including a stalled front over Tohuku Region, and not all warnings are purely due to Meari's passage):

  • Purple heavy rain and landslide warnings (the highest level on a three-tier scale): Parts of Tokyo Prefecture in Kanto Koshin Region: Iwate Prefecture in Tohoku Region; and Shizuoka Prefecture in Tokai Region.

  • Red heavy rain, landslide, and flood warnings: Parts of Ishikawa Prefecture in Hokuriku Region; Tokyo and Chiba prefectures in Kanto Koshin Region; Akita, Iwate, and Yamagata prefectures in Tohoku Region; and Shizuoka Prefecture in Tokai Region.

  • Red storm gale warnings: Parts of Fukushima Prefecture in Tohoku Region.

  • Red high wave warnings: Parts of Chiba and Kanagawa prefectures in Kanto Koshin Region.

  • Yellow heavy rain, landslide, and flood warnings: Parts of Okayama Prefecture in Chugoku Region; Kamikawa, Mombetsu, and Oshima regions in Hokkaido Prefecture; Niigata and Toyama in Hokuriku Prefecture; Chiba, Ibaraki, Kanagawa, Nagano, Saitama, and Tokyo prefectures in Kanto Koshin Region; Hyogo, Osaka, Shiga, and Wakayama prefectures in Kinki Region; Akita, Aomori, Fukushima, Iwate, and Yamagata prefectures in Tohoku Region; and Gifu and Shizuoka prefectures in Tokai Region.

  • Yellow gale and high wave warnings: Parts of Chiba, Ibaraki, Kanagawa, and Tokyo prefectures in Kanto Koshin Region; Fukushima, Iwate, and Miyagi prefectures in Tohoku Region; and Shizuoka Prefecture in Tokai Region.

  • Yellow storm surge warnings: Parts of Hiroshima and Okayama prefectures in Chugoku Region; Nemuro and Soya regions in Hokkaido Prefecture; Fukui, Ishikawa, and Toyama prefectures in Hokuriku Region; Ibaraki Prefecture in Kanto Koshin Region; Hyogo, Osaka, and Wakayama prefectures in Kinki Region; Fukuoka, Kagoshima, Kumamoto, Nagasaki, Oita, Okinawa, Saga prefectures in Kyushu Region; Ehime, Kagawa, Kochi, and Tokushima prefectures in Shikoku Region; and Aomori, Fukushima, and Iwate prefectures in Tohoku Region.

  • Yellow thunderstorm warnings: Across Chugoku Region; Soya Region in Hokkaido Prefecture; much of Hokuriku Region; parts of Chiba, Ibaraki, and Tokyo prefectures in Kanto Koshin Region; across Kinki Region; across northern Kyushu Region; across Shikoku Region; much of Tohoku; and across Tokai Region.

Authorities will likely issue new warnings or update existing advisories in the coming days.

All Nippon Airways (ANA) has canceled at least 108 flights from Tokyo Haneda Airport (HND), Mt. Fuji Shizuoka Airport (FSZ), and Hachijojima Airport (HAZ) Aug. 13. Several roads and rail lines across the affected region have been temporarily closed; however, authorities have reopened many routes as of late Aug. 13. Nearly 9,000 households are without power across Chiba, Tokyo, Tochigi, and Shizuoka prefectures and around 121 households in Oshima Town in the Izu Islands were ordered to evacuate due to a risk of landslides late Aug. 13. Around 72,000 people from Suruga Ward, Shimizu Ward, and part of Aoi Ward in Shizuoka City were ordered to evacuate earlier the same day before evacuation orders were later lifted.

Sustained heavy rainfall could trigger flooding in low-lying areas and those with easily overwhelmed drainage systems. If weather conditions prove hazardous, localized evacuations, flash flooding, and landslides are possible.

The inclement weather could trigger localized business, transport, and utility disruptions and render some bridges or roadways impassable. Flight disruptions at regional airports and temporary closures of ports are also possible.


Activate contingency plans in areas where officials forecast tropical storm conditions. Heed any evacuation orders that may be issued. Use extreme caution in low-lying coastal areas and near streams, creeks, and other waterways due to the potential for severe flooding and storm surge. Stockpile water, batteries, and other essentials in advance. Charge battery-powered devices when electricity is available; restrict the use of cellular phones to emergencies only. Power down mobile devices when not in use. Keep important documents and necessary medications in waterproof containers. Observe strict food and water precautions, as municipalities could issue boil water advisories following flooding events.

Plan accordingly for protracted commercial, transport, and logistics disruptions in areas in the path of the storm, especially if vital infrastructure is damaged. Seek updated information on road conditions before driving or routing shipments through areas where flooding has occurred. Confirm flights before checking out of hotels or driving to the airport; clearing passenger backlogs may take several days in some locations.


Joint Typhoon Warning Center
Japan Meteorological Agency