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02 Sep 2022 | 08:42 PM UTC

Bolivia: Coca-leaf growers plan to protest march in La Paz Department Sept. 4-7

Coca-leaf growers to march in La Paz Department, Bolivia, Sept. 4-7, to demand the closure of an allegedly illegal market.



Coca-leaf growers affiliated with the Departmental Association of Coca-Leaf Growers (Asociacion Departamental de Productores de Coca, ADEPCOCA) plan to protest and march in La Paz Department Sept. 4-7. The purpose of the action is to demand the closure of an allegedly illegal coca leaf market located in Villa El Carmen within the city of La Paz.

Participants plan to gather in Yolosita, Nor Yungas Province, and Chulumani, Sud Yungas Province early Sept. 4 before march into separate wings to the city of La Paz. The wings will converge into one in Unduavi before continuing to the Bolivian capital, which organizers anticipate reaching on Sept. 7. It remains unclear how many participants the demonstration will draw.

Authorities will almost certainly increase security along the protest route and near government buildings in La Paz. Localized transport and business disruptions are likely in the capital. Clashes between police and demonstrators are possible, as they have occurred recently in other related protests.


Avoid the protest march. Allow additional time to reach destinations and seek alternative routes if operating in affected parts of La Paz Department Sept. 4-7. Heed instructions of authorities.