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04 Nov 2022 | 03:26 PM UTC

DRC: Civil society group calls for protests across Kasai Central Province Nov. 5

JECUD-RDC civil society group calls for protests across Kasai Central Province, DRC, Nov. 5. Avoid all demonstrations.



The JECUD-RDC Civil society group has called for protests across Kasai Central Province, Nov. 5. Protesters intend to denounce the alleged Rwandan backing of M23 rebels. The exact time and locations for the protests remain unclear though the provincial capital, Kananga, may serve as a focal point. Demonstrations are likely near government buildings in cities and towns across the province.

A heightened security presence is likely near protest locations Nov. 5. Clashes are possible if protesters ignore police orders to disperse. Localized ground travel disruptions are likely near all protest locations.


The DRC has blamed Rwanda for supporting the M23, triggering diplomatic tensions between the two countries. On Oct. 29, DRC authorities expelled Rwanda's ambassador to the DRC Vincent Karega, after allegations of the arrival of Rwandan troops on Congolese soil. Numerous related protests have been held recently to denounce alleged Rwanda's support of the M23.


Avoid all protests. Plan for disruptions across Kasai Central Nov. 5. Consult local security partners on the viability of traveling in affected areas. Travel in convoy and during daylight hours only. Maintain contact with diplomatic missions. Adhere to directives issued by local authorities. If clashes occur, depart the area immediately.