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20 Nov 2022 | 09:40 AM UTC

Iraq: Protests near the University of Sulaymaniyah in Sulaymaniyah, Nov. 20

Security personnel have fired tear gas to disperse protesting students near the University of Sulaymaniyah in Sulaymaniyah, Iraq, Nov. 20.



Security personnel have fired tear gas to disperse protesting students near the University of Sulaymaniyah in Sulaymaniyah, Nov. 20.

Heightened security is likely in the vicinity of the protest through Nov. 20. The protest action and security force response, which could include road closures, could result in ground travel and business operation disruptions. Further clashes between demonstrators and police are possible if protesters engage in acts of public violence, are overly disruptive, or if they ignore police orders to disperse. There is an incidental threat to bystanders should any violence occur.


Avoid the protest as a standard precaution and to mitigate likely ground travel delays. Plan for road travel delays in and near the protest area. Heed instructions from the security forces. If any violence erupts nearby, immediately depart the area and seek shelter at a non-government building.