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13 Nov 2022 | 09:35 AM UTC

South Africa: Daughter of Indian nationals kidnapped in Cape Town, Nov. 4

Daughter of Indian nationals kidnapped in Cape Town, South Africa, Nov. 4.



According to recent reports, the eight-year-old daughter of an Indian national couple was kidnapped in the Gatesville area of Cape Town on Nov. 4. Assailants kidnapped the victim while she leaving her apartment block to go to school at approximately 07:00; they forced her into a waiting vehicle and drove away with her. As of writing, authorities have not confirmed if the kidnappers have demanded a ransom; the whereabouts of the victim are unknown.

The victim's father owns a cellphone business in the Gatesville area.


Kidnapping for ransom and extortion of foreign business people and their family members is an increasing concern in the greater Cape Town area. Additionally, extortion of owners of restaurants, bars, and nightclubs is common in central Cape Town. Members of the Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Indian, Chinese, and Somali communities have also been targeted in incidents in Khayelitsha, Gugulethu, Nyanga, Blue Downs, Samora Machel, and Mfuleni. Victims have reportedly been assaulted and seriously injured during the commission of the kidnappings and while in captivity.

Criminal gangs and syndicates operate extensively in the greater Cape Town area and are the likely culprits. Security forces are generally under-resourced and have been unable to stem rising crime rates, including kidnapping, which has become an increasingly national security issue. Approximately 2,391 kidnapping cases were reported in South Africa in the first six months of 2022. Of these, 446 were reported in Western Cape Province. While the number of kidnappings has increased in the Western Cape, Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal provinces still report the highest overall numbers. Kidnappings in South Africa are mostly robbery- hijacking- or rape-related. Due to ongoing socioeconomic issues, crime rates are likely to continue to escalate in the medium term.


Maintain a low public profile and do not show outward displays of wealth, particularly if traveling alone and in higher-risk locations. Do not discuss plans and routes publicly.


South African Police Service Crime Statistics