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26 Jun 2023 | 06:22 AM UTC

Chile: Disruption due to flooding ongoing in central regions as of late June 25 /update 2

Disruption due to flooding ongoing in central Chile as of late June 25. Transport disruptions and evacuations ongoing.



Disruptions due to flooding are ongoing across central Chile as of late June 25 following heavy rainfall since June 23. Authorities have declared a state of catastrophe from Biobio to Valparaiso regions. The following evacuation orders are in place:

  • Bio Bio Region: La Carrera, Las Lijas, and Kilometro 7 Chillico in La Laja commune

  • Maule Region: Areas near the Maule River in the Colbun, San Clemente, Yerbas Buenas, Pencahue, Maule, Constitucion, and San Javier communes

  • Santiago Metropolitan Region: The area around the Ingeniero Marambio Bridge in the Melpilla commune

  • Valparaiso Region: The areas of La Isla y Playa Boca in the Concon commune, Rinconada de San Enrique and Horizonte del Mar in the Santo Domingo commune

Authorities have confirmed one fatality in Concepcion in Biobio Region and another fatality in Penalolen in Metropolitan Region due to floods. At least six people near the Ancoa River in the Callejon el Peumo sector in Linares Commune, Maule Region, are missing. Roads in more than 40 locations are impassable, leaving almost 10,000 people isolated. The severe weather and flooding have damaged around 2,500 homes and destroyed around 54 others, displacing thousands. Power outages have impacted around 15,000 people. High turbidity and the increased flow of the Maipo River in the Valparaiso Region have interrupted the drinking water supply to 53,000 people in Algarrobo, Cartagena, El Quisco, El Tabo, and San Antonio communes.

Further severe weather is forecast. The Meteorological Directorate of Chile has issued the following weather warnings across the affected regions:

  • Orange rainfall warnings (the middle level on a three-tier scale): Araucania, Los Lagos, and Los Rios regions through June 25.

  • Yellow rainfall, thunderstorms, and wind warnings: most of the rest of the affected area through June 25.

Authorities could issue new alerts or update/rescind existing advisories as weather conditions change over the coming days. Further rainfall over the area is likely to hamper rescue and recovery efforts and exacerbate the situation. Water levels in rivers are likely to continue to rise even after the rainfall has stopped.

Hazardous Conditions
Sustained rainfall could trigger additional flash and areal flooding. Such flooding is possible in low-lying communities near watercourses and other large bodies of water and in urban areas with easily overwhelmed stormwater drainage systems. Sites downstream of large reservoirs may be subject to flash flooding after relatively short periods of intense rainfall.

Disruptions to electricity and telecommunications services are likely where significant flooding or landslides impact utility networks.

The bridge collapse in the Cajon del Maipo area in the Santiago Metropolitan Region has left over 1,100 people isolated. The severe weather will likely contribute to other transport disruptions throughout the region. Traffic and commercial trucking delays may occur along regional highways. Flooding could inundate some low-lying roads in areas with poor drainage. Strong winds might also pose a hazard to high-profile vehicles. Hazardous weather conditions could cause flight delays and cancellations at airports across the affected region.

Localized business disruptions are likely in areas impacted by severe weather; some businesses might not operate at full capacity because of damage to facilities, possible evacuations, and some employees' inability to reach work sites.


Monitor local media for updated emergency and weather information. Seek updated information on weather and road conditions before driving or routing shipments through areas where severe weather is forecast. Plan accordingly for potential delivery delays if routing shipments by truck through the affected area. Do not attempt to drive through flooded areas. Charge battery-powered devices in the case of prolonged electricity outages.


Meteorological Directorate of Chile