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04 Jul 2023 | 05:05 PM UTC

Central African Republic: Armed attack on Ndiba-Molle village, Nana-Mambere results in casualties July 3

Armed attack leaves at least six dead and one other injured in Ndiba-Molle, Nana-Mambere prefecture, CAR, July 3.



An armed attack left at least six people dead and one other injured in Ndiba-Molle village, Nana-Mambere prefecture, on July 3. Among those killed were four Central African (CAR) Soldiers and two civilians; one Chinese miner was also injured. Eyewitness reports state that elements of the Coalition of Patriots for Change (CPC) opened fire on a pickup truck escorting Chinese miners working in the area.

Increased security is likely in the impacted area. Additional attacks cannot be ruled out.


Consider avoiding non essential travel to the impacted area.