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19 Aug 2023 | 09:52 AM UTC

Peru: State of emergency extended in two provinces of Loreto Department through at least Sept. 17 /update 3

Peru extends state of emergency in two provinces of Loreto Department through Sept. 17 due to criminal activity; heightened security likely.



Authorities have extended an existing state of emergency in effect in the Mariscal Ramon Castilla and Putumayo provinces of Loreto Department through at least Sept. 17. The state of emergency was initially declared in response to criminal activity, reportedly including that of criminal organizations that engage in drug trafficking. Under the state of emergency, certain constitutional rights are either restricted or suspended, including the right to be free from warrantless searches, the right to free movement, and the right to assembly. The decree also allows the armed forces to support the police in law-enforcement activities.

Police and military forces will likely deploy in the affected areas and may conduct searches of individuals and vehicles.


Maintain heightened vigilance if operating in the affected areas. Avoid any police or military operations as well as any large gatherings of security personnel. Heed authorities' instructions.