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27 Sep 2023 | 08:37 AM UTC

France: Activists plan demonstration in support of police in Paris, Sept. 30

Activists plan demonstration in support of police in Paris, France, Sept. 30. Heightened security, counterprotests likely.



Activists plan demonstration in support of police in Paris, Sept. 30. The Live French Insitute (Institut Vivre Francais) is calling for increased public support for security forces. Attendees will gather in the Place de la Republique at 15:00. It is not known how many with participate, however it is likely that counterprotesters will also gather.

Police will likely deploy in significant numbers to monitor the demonstration. Heightened security, road closures, and localized road travel delays are likely near the protest site. Acts of violence and vandalism are possible in the margins of the official protests.


France has experienced significant protests, demonstrations, and riots throughout 2023. The police force and gendarmerie are frequently criticized for their handling of these events. A demonstration Sept. 23 against police violence led to scuffles between protestors and police. The demonstration on Sept. 30 will likely be seen as provocative to campaigners against police violence.

The Live French Institute is a culturally conservative group that campaigns for "traditional family values, reduced migration, and reduced powers for the EU", among other issues.


Avoid the protests as a routine security precaution. Plan for some travel delays and disruption in the immediate vicinity of the protest sites. Follow local travel and security advice. In the event of violence, withdraw from the area.