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26 Sep 2023 | 04:51 PM UTC

Senegal: Port workers striking indefinitely in Dakar as of Sept. 26

Unionized port workers staging indefinite strike in Dakar, Senegal, as of Sept. 26. Possible protests and maritime freight disruptions.



As of Sept. 26, Employees of the Association of Traders and Industrialists of Senegal (ACIS, Association des Commercants et Industriel du Senegal) are striking indefinitely at the Autonomous Port of Dakar; organizers began the strike on Sept. 25. The purpose of the action is to address several grievances, including the removal of excessive surcharge fees and the decongestion of the port, among other things. The collective of carriers, traders, and freight operators warned that the work stoppage may increase the associated cost of goods nationwide, which may impact consumers.

The work stoppage will almost certainly cause service disruptions at the port facility, including maritime, freight, and customs activities. While organizers have not announced plans for demonstrations, protests are possible during the strike action. Businesses that rely on port shipping services may face disruptions during the strike. Clashes between police and protesters cannot be ruled out, mainly if demonstrators are overly disruptive or ignore police orders to disperse. Counter-protests may occur if the strike is prolonged.


Confirm all maritime shipments via the Autonomous Port of Dakar due to possible delivery delays. Consider alternative shipping options for critical freights. Avoid any protests that may materialize around the port.