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05 Oct 2023 | 10:16 AM UTC

Nigeria: Curfew in Irepodun and Orolu areas of Osun State as of Oct. 5

As of Oct. 5, officials maintain curfew imposed due to communal clashes in Irepodun and Orolu areas of Osun State, Nigeria.



As of Oct. 5, officials are maintaining an 18:00-06:00 curfew in the Irepodun and Orolu Local Government Areas (LGAs) of Osun State. The curfew was initially implemented in mid-September due to persistent communal clashes over a land dispute. Property damage and an unspecified number of deaths have been reported in the area. Vehicular and pedestrian movement is prohibited under the curfew.

Officials will likely maintain a heightened security presence in the area to enforce the measure and restrict the movement of persons and vehicles and commercial activities. Further bouts of violence cannot be ruled out.


Disputes over access to resources, land rights issues, and related communal tensions are frequent in Nigeria, some of which may last for years. Communal violence often fuels rounds of reprisal attacks between various communities, leading to heavy casualty tolls. Officials often implement localized curfews and other restrictions to quell violence.


Consider deferring nonessential travel to the affected LGAs until the situation calms. Abide by the curfew. Remain courteous and cooperative if approached and questioned by security personnel. Plan for movement and business disruptions. Maintain contact with diplomatic representations.