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05 Oct 2023 | 01:46 PM UTC

Ukraine: Emergency crews responding to explosion at market in Hroza, Kharkiv region Oct. 5; at least 48 killed and six injured

Explosion at market in Hroza, Kharkiv region, Ukraine, Oct. 5 kills at least 48 civilians, injures at least six.



Emergency crews are responding to an explosion in Hroza, Kharkiv Region, that occurred around 13:15 Oct. 5. Officials state at least 48 people were killed and six injured. Ukrainian authorities blamed the incident on a rocket attack by Russian forces.

Emergency services will likely remain in the affected areas over the coming hours. Localized ground travel disruptions are likely. Further missile strikes are likely in the coming days.


Kupyansk District in Kharkiv Region is the site of an ongoing counterattack by Russian forces. Hroza is located approximately 37 km (23 miles) from the front lines.


Avoid travel to active conflict zones in the Kharkiv, Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson regions of Ukraine; consider leaving these areas by available ground transport if safe to do so. Exercise extreme caution if operating anywhere in Ukraine. Download the AirAlert mobile application to receive an air alert notification in your chosen city or region of Ukraine from the Civil Defense System. You should shelter in place if there is fighting or airstrikes in the area. Stay away from windows and exterior walls if officials report incoming rocket or artillery fire. Follow the instructions of local security personnel, especially when instructed to seek refuge in air-raid shelters. Maintain contact with diplomatic representations. Due to the threat of unexploded ordnance, avoid off-road travel. Travel on well-used routes only. Do not approach suspected unexploded ordnance. In areas previously occupied by Russian forces, be aware of booby traps.