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08 Feb 2024 | 02:21 PM UTC

Argentina: Activists launch protest along Pueyrredon Bridge, in Buenos Aires Feb. 8

Anti-government activists protesting along Pueyrredon Bridge, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Feb. 8. Disruptions likely.


Anti-government activists, affiliated with the umbrella organization Unidad Piquetera and the political party Polo Obrero, have launched a protest along the Pueyrredon Bridge, in the border between the city and the province of Buenos Aires, early Feb. 8. Demonstrators are denouncing the national government's cuts to social investments.

Significant transport disruptions in the area are likely; heightened security is also likely, with the possibility of clashes between demonstrators and police.

Avoid the area and plan for delays and alternative routes if operating in Buenos Aires, especially in the city's eastern and downtown areas, Feb. 8.