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04 Mar 2024 | 12:13 PM UTC

Czech Republic: Farmers to protest in Prague March 7

Unionized farmers to demonstrate in Prague, Czech Republic, March 7; heightened security, localized disruptions likely.


The Agrarian Chamber of the Czech Republic and the Agricultural Union will lead farmers' demonstrations in Prague on March 7. Participants will likely gather in the outskirts of Prague engaging in go-slow demonstrations, reaching the Ministry of Agriculture, Mala Strana Square, and Wenceslas Square. Demonstrators will denounce EU agricultural policies and the failed negotiations with the Czech government to further support farmers. Organizers have not yet confirmed the duration of the protest; however, farmers will likely remain in the demonstration sites until the evening hours of March 7. Further demonstrations could occur in the upcoming weeks.

Authorities will likely deploy increased security to monitor the gathering; road travel and transport disruptions are likely through the morning and evening hours of March 7, as agricultural vehicles drive through the city. Violence is not expected.

Reconfirm all appointments at Czech government buildings in Prague through March 7. Avoid all demonstrations as a standard precaution. Allow additional time if traveling near a protest or on major roadways impacted by slow-moving farm vehicles. Do not attempt to cross protester-erected roadblocks; wait for police to dismantle them before proceeding. Strictly heed all instructions from law enforcement officers. Immediately depart the area at the first sign that any security disturbance may occur.