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20 May 2024 | 10:56 PM UTC

Colombia: Officials likely to maintain heightened security in Cauca and Valle del Cauca departments through at least late May following recent attacks /update 1

Suspected EMC attacks reported in Cauca and Valle del Cauca departments, Colombia, May 20; heightened security likely through late May.


Authorities will likely maintain a heightened security presence in parts of Cauca and Valle del Cauca departments through at least late May in response to a recent series of armed attacks in those regions. Multiple assaults were reported in both departments May 20, which local reports attributed to members of the Central General Staff (Estado Mayor Central, EMC), a coalition of dissident fighters that is an offshoot of the former Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia, FARC).

In Cauca Department, suspected EMC fighters reportedly killed at least four people, including two police officers, in an attack on a police station in Morales. The assailants also looted a local branch of the Agricultural Bank of Colombia (Banco Agrario de Colombia). Additionally, suspected EMC members launched attacks against security forces in Jambalo and Suarez.

In Valle del Cauca Department, suspected EMC fighters reportedly carried out a motorcycle bomb attack in Jamundi, wounding several people, including at least two police officers. Alleged EMC assailants also attacked a police station in Dagua; authorities did not immediately confirm any casualties in connection with the assault.

Ex-FARC dissident fighters, including those affiliated with the EMC, will likely carry out additional attacks targeting security forces in Cauca and Valle del Cauca departments over the coming days. Security forces will probably launch operations aimed at arresting or otherwise neutralizing fighters affiliated with the EMC and other armed groups operating in Cauca and Valle del Cauca departments; such operations may lead to armed clashes between the fighters and security forces in some areas. Disruptions to transport, business and school operations, and government services are likely in areas that are subject to attacks, security operations, or armed clashes.

Exercise increased vigilance if operating in Cauca Department or Valle del Cauca Department. Prepare for a heightened security presence in both departments. Avoid concentrations of security forces; if stopped by security personnel, remain polite and cooperative. Consider carrying identification documents at all times. If violence breaks out in your area, seek shelter in a secure, nongovernmental building until the situation normalizes. Seek alternative routes to circumvent areas recently affected by violence. Heed all instructions issued by local authorities and your home government.

EMC fighters have carried out attacks with increasing frequency since April, when leaders of the group issued a statement that threatened attacks on police and military personnel and sites. In March, the Colombian government suspended a bilateral ceasefire arrangement with the armed group after ex-FARC dissident fighters killed an indigenous leader in Cauca Department.

Most factions affiliated with the former FARC disarmed following a peace agreement signed in 2016.