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24 May 2024 | 04:04 AM UTC

Taiwan: Activists demonstrating in multiple cities islandwide against legislative reform bill, as of morning of May 24 /update 1

Activists rallying across Taiwan against legislative reform bill, as of morning of May 24. Increased security, localized disruptions likely.


Activists are demonstrating islandwide to denounce the alleged lack of transparency in legislative proceedings to pass Kuomintang (KMT) and Taiwan People's Party's (TPP) controversial legislative reform bills. As of the morning of May 24, the activist group Economic Democracy Union is staging a rally around the Legislative Yuan on Qingdao East Road and Jinan Road. Attendance will likely peak as the protest continues into the evening; similar events have attracted tens of thousands of participants. Various civil society groups have confirmed the following additional protests:

  • Changhua: Changhua Railway Station from18:00

  • Chiayi: Wenhua Park from 18:00

  • Kaohsiung: Central Park in Kaohsiung from 19:00

  • Taichung: Taichung Railway Station Street 13:00-16:00

  • Tainan: National Museum of Taiwan Literature from 14:00

Demonstrations could attract hundreds to thousands of participants, with the largest attendance likely in Taipei, Kaohsiung, and Taichung. Organizers will almost certainly confirm details of further protests in the next week.

Heightened security measures, including roadblocks are likely around protest sites. Due to the expected large number of attendees, localized transport and business disruptions are probable. Increased demand for public transport is possible as activists arrive and leave the rally site. Although unlikely, isolated minor scuffles between police and activists are possible.

Avoid the demonstrations as a precaution. Depart the area at the first sign of any security disturbance. Plan accordingly for likely transport and business disruptions on May 24. Heed all official directives.