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29 Jun 2024 | 04:59 PM UTC

Israel: Further anti-government demonstrations likely nationwide through late July /update 4

Protests demanding early elections and release of hostages likely to continue in Israel through late July. Increased security likely.


Additional demonstrations against the government led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu remain likely through at least late July. Protests have occurred weekly across the nation's major cities, including in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, demanding early elections and an agreement that would result in the release of hostages who are held by the Hamas militant group in the Gaza Strip. Thousands of people have protested on Kaplan Street in Tel Aviv in recent weeks. Police have occasionally employed water cannons and detained demonstrators after they attempted to block major roads.

Protests have been particularly common in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv on weekends and have typically drawn thousands of participants. However, reports also indicate gatherings on weekdays in cities nationwide. Future demonstrations could focus on traditionally popular protest sites, such as prominent public squares, city centers, and government buildings across the country. In Tel Aviv, popular protest sites include Rabin, Habima, and Dizengoff squares. Furthermore, protesters have regularly blocked the Ayalon Highway in Tel Aviv on weekends. In Jerusalem, demonstrations have occurred outside government ministries, near the Prime Minister's Office, and at Ha-Shabat Square. Localized transport disruptions are likely near all protests.

Clashes between police and protesters cannot be ruled out during anti-government gatherings. Such confrontations can occur if protesters are overly disruptive or fail to comply with police instructions. Clashes between protesters and supporters of Netanyahu could also occur throughout the country.

Avoid all announced or spontaneous protest actions due to the potential for violence. Exercise caution near likely protest locations. Monitor local media for protest activity, as organizers may not announce plans in advance. Confirm the availability of transport and allow additional time to reach destinations. Plan for increased security and localized transport disruptions near demonstrations. Follow all police instructions.